Monday 5 December 2011

Abode of Wisdom - 5


1.      Mental illness is caused by evil spirits, curse of God or the result of black magic.
2.      Abnormal behavior is said to be purposely put on to trouble to others.
3.      Magicians, religious priests, quacks etc. can cure mental illnesses.
4.      Marriage can cure mental illness.
5.      Chaining, manhandling, starving, isolation etc. are the ways to treat the mentally ill.
6.      Migration from one place to another/changing houses can cure mental illness.
7.      Mental illness is inborn.
8.      Highly qualified professionals or high class society people cannot get mental illness.
9.      Mentally ill lose their intelligence and are good for nothing.
10.  Mental illness cannot be treated.
11.  It is shameful and below ones dignity to consult a Psychiatrist / Social Worker.
12.  Patient’s should not be informed about their illness.
13.  Medicine alone is the treatment for mental health.
14.  Mentally ill cannot lead a family life.

1.      Mental illness is just like any other illness. The major cause is said to be a chemical imbalance in the brain. Heredity due to consanguiness marriage, stressful life events, side effects of steroids, any damage to the brain due to accidents etc.
2.      Abnormal behavior is the result of signs and symptoms of mental illness.
3.      Magicians, religious priests, quacks etc. are not the solutions to mental illness. It is scientific treatment that is needed.
4.      Marriage cannot cure mental illness.
5.      Mentally ill deserve much more humanitarian and an emphathetical approach.
6.      Migration cannot cure mental illness
7.      Mental illness develops during the course of life.
8.      Anyone at any time can get affected by mental illness.
9.      The intelligence remains intact and many of them are capable of taking on any sort of responsibilities.
10.  Mental illness can be effectively treated and brought under control just like diabetics or BP.
11.  Mental health professionals can help the patient to develop a healthy life.
12.  Patient’s should be educated about their illness, medicine and its side effects as well as their chances of relapse.
13.  Medicines along with psychosocial rehabilitation are the best mode of treatment.
14.  Mentally ill can lead a family life.

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