Saturday 3 December 2011

Abode of Wisdom - 1


Serious mental illness affects one in hundred in the general population in our country, thus constituting a very large number. It has the effect of changing a person’s personality and behavior in ways that are bizarre and inexplicable and leaves family and friends helpless in dealing with the person. In some cases early recognition and medical treatment effectively controls the illness, but for many others, the illness remits only to relapse again and again with varying degrees of difficulties. About one third of the cases run a chronic and continuous course ultimately developing different kinds of impairment and disabilities. They remain withdrawn from family, friends, are suspicious and scared, disinterested in work or activities as well as show inappropriate emotions.

What is mental health? It is not merely the absence of mental illness.
-    It is the sense of well being an individual feels from every sphere of life.
-    It is a condition of physical, mental, social and spiritual well being.
-    It is the ability to create a harmonious life to the self and the environment.

A mentally healthy person is always well adjusted and is not at war with himself. He has got strong self-esteem, has got good control of his behavior, is able to manage stress, has got self-identity and is productive.

Living in a free environment will pave the way for a mentally healthier and happier life. In general, mental health can be achieved in many ways, like individual treatment, treatment of the families, educational programs and rehabilitation. Thus healthy social surroundings are the need of the hour to boost mental health positively. 

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