Saturday 3 December 2011

Abode of Wisdom - 2

THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS of mental illness
1.       Loss of Appetite and Refusal of Food: Reduced eating or not eating at all due to depression, not feeling hungry or too busy to find time to eat.
2.      Sleep Disturbance: Difficult to get to sleep, wakes up early in the morning and is unable to go back to sleep.
3.      Amotivation: Needs to be motivated for each and everything.
4.      Asocialization: Withdraws from interacting with people, gatherings, etc.
5.      Anxiety: Always has a vague fear of something or the other.
6.      Irritability: Pestering people always or gets on very fast with others.
7.      Restlessness: Unable to concentrate on particular work; keeps pacing and is unable to sit in a place without constantly changing positions or moving around.
8.      Irrelevant Talking: Gives inappropriate answers to questions asked.
9.      Poor Personal Appearance: Appearance is neglected, looks shabby, unwilling to shave, take a bath and change their clothes. Dresses with colorful but old clothes.
10.   Aggression: Verbal and physical assaultiveness is seen.
11.    Absconding Tendency: Running away from home without any reason and may or may not come back.
12.   Wandering Tendency: Roams around without any purpose.
13.   Mutism: Suddenly stops speaking for a period of time. Acts as if he is dumb.
14.   No Connectivity of Speech: No connection between sentences spoken.
15.   Loss of Memory: Not able to remember or recall events occurring a minute ago or an hour before.
16.   Repetition of Words or Actions: Constantly repeats words or carries on doing the same action for a long time.
17.   Destructive Nature: The person becomes destructive to self, others and to the surroundings.
18.   Extreme Happiness: Over happiness without any reason and increased activity due to it.
19.   Lack of Interest in Work, Hobbies and Surroundings: Declined interest in one’s work and other activities. Sometimes become so dull and lazy that they refuse to get up from their bed.
20.  Extreme Sadness: Extremely sad without any specific reason.
21.   Disorientation: Not able to know the time or place properly or fails to recognize a known person.
22.  Confusion: May find difficulty in expressing himself or is unable to recognize surroundings.
23.  False Beliefs: Beliefs like a person are trying to harass him or kill him.  Also believes he is very rich and has supernatural powers. Doubts wife’s faithfulness etc. without any cause or proof.
24.  Illusions: Misinterpreting of a real object; e.g. mistaking a rope in the dark for a snake.
25.  Hallucinations: Persons hearing and imagining things which are actually not there or don’t exist.
26.  Suicidal Tendency:  Thinking of ending one’s life.

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