Wednesday 11 January 2012

Dissocial P.D

Dissocial Personality Disorder

In the World Health Organisation's ICD-10 terms what was formerly known as psychopathy Dissocial (Antisocial) Personality Disorder.

The term "psychopath" is frequently used in the popular press and even by professionals in the field of psychology. The term is very often used for sensational purposes, in the sense of the definition given by the Concise Oxford English Dictionary of a psychopath: "a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behaviour."

Psychopathy is defined as a personality disorder characterized by an abnormal lack of empathy combined with strongly amoral conductmasked by an ability to appear outwardly normal. It is similar to sociopathy. Both concepts are today described under the general category of "antisocial/dissocial personality disorder."

According to Hare, psychopaths are glib and superficially charming; ... some psychopaths can blend in, undetected, in a variety of surroundings, including corporate environments.

The essential features are a chronic disregard for and the violation of the rights of others. There is a callous unconcern for the feelings of others. They are unable to make loving relationships. They are selfish and self-centred and value others for what they can provide, to the extent that they extort from them as much benefit as possible with a callous unconcern. Behavior is often impulsive and reckless with no concern for the safety of self or others. They are consistently irresponsible and have no remorse or guilt feelings over their failures in honouring commitments.  Deceitful and manipulative, they never learn from experience. Unlawful acts are repeatedly resorted to like stealing, physical assaults, destruction of property, impersonations  and pursuing illegal occupations like prostitution and drug trafficking. The dissocial personality disorder is also referred to as anti social personality disorder, psychopathy and sociopathy.

Diagnostic signs

The tool most used by researchers into the syndrome is the Hare Psychopathy Checklist - revised (PCL-R) in which uses two major factors and two minor traits. Each major factor is in turn broken down into other indicators. The following are the factors of the LCL-R 
(it is important to note that the presence of one or more of these indicators does not necessarily indicate that the person exhibiting them is a psychopath - a qualified person would have to assess a person to establish the presence or absence of psychopathy):

Factor 1 Aggressive narcissism
  1. Glibness/superficial charm
  2. Grandiose sense of self-worth
  3. Pathological lying
  4. Cunning/manipulative
  5. Lack of remorse or guilt
  6. Emotionally shallow
  7. Callous/lack of empathy
  8. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions

Factor 2 Socially deviant lifestyle
  1. Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
  2. Parasitic lifestyle
  3. Poor behavioral control
  4. Promiscuous sexual behavior
  5. Lack of realistic, long-term goals
  6. Impulsiveness
  7. Irresponsibility
  8. Juvenile delinquency
  9. Early behavioral problems
  10. Revocation of conditional release

Traits not correlated with either factor
  1. Many short-term marital relationships
  2. Criminal versatility

    Clinical manifestations: this type of personality disorder often show the following:

    1. Highly aggressive: patients with a high degree of impulsivity and aggression is well known, but there are a number of no attacks. Antisocial personality types can be divided into aggressive behavior and do not have those two categories, the former category have a tendency to life-long physical violence occurred.

    2. No sense of shame: the traditional view that such people no sense of shame, lack of autonomic responses associated with anxiety (including skin DC response).

    3. Unplanned sexual behavior: personality disorders ruthless acts are mostly motivated by the accident, emotional impulses or instincts motivated by a desire, lack of planning or premeditation.

    4. Social misfits: maladaptation is such an important feature of personality disorder. Because of their lack of insight of personality defects, can not get lessons from the experience, so this disease is a persistent and strong pattern of maladaptive behavior. Related Views: issues related to information-related diseases more  read this article also read the users? Penis and the clinical symptoms. Ningxia Add 5 cases of influenza. Beware of the prostate pain is "sex. Parents have the responsibility to help children build." Orchitis "classification and disease. How to prevent the" Cum barrier. Geriatric depression The main symptoms of nine personality change due to white-collar workers.

    Anti-social nature (social disorder of the) personality disorder-dissocial personality disorder is characterized by consistent disregard of social obligations, lack of emotion, indifference to others; between individual behavior and social norms very different experience is not easy to be corrected, even if the punishment is also so; low tolerance for frustration, attack (including violent attacks) release threshold is low; tend to blame others or on their own behavior and society to justify the conflict. Include: Paradox Germany personality disorder; antisocial personality disorder. First, the definition and an overview of the so-called personality disorders, is the childhood or adolescence developed severe personality defects, or personality in general, not suited to a class of mental disorders. Personality disorder can not adapt to normal social life, leading, showing emotion and the will of obstacles, but no abnormal thinking and intelligence, sense of clarity. Personality defects of such persistent, stubborn, and most continue into adulthood, even life can not be changed. Antisocial personality, also known as psychopathy or social ills, such as perverse moral personality. In various types of personality disorders, antisocial personality disorder is most psychologists and psychiatrists are important. In 1835, Germany Pishaerte (Prichard) first proposed the "rebellious German mad," the name of this diagnosis. Patients that instinctive desire, hobbies, temperament temperament, moral accomplishment of abnormal changes, but no intelligence, knowledge or reasoning ability barriers, no delusions or hallucinations. Was "perverse de mad," the name of the gradually being "antisocial personality" replaced, now narrow personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder refers. Caused by such criminal acts of personality most of the same nature of the repeated crimes, crimes particularly cruel or aggravated offenders, which 1/3-2/3 of the people belong to this type of personality disorder. The common psychological characteristics are: the outbreak of emotional, behavioral impulsivity, callous society to others, hate, lack of goodwill relative to compassion, lack of accountability, lack of shame repentance of the heart, regardless of social ethics and generally accepted legal norms of behavior , frequent anti-social words and deeds; can not learn a lesson from the defeat and punishment, the lack of anxiety and guilt. Personality disorders are not mental illness, but according to tradition and the actual clinical situation, are psychological barriers, mental illness or mental illness. Therefore, in dealing with the mental approach is different from criminal acts of their patients to bear legal responsibility, but the lighter sentence. Since it is a mental illness, in addition to social education, management or criminal action, but also should be receiving psychological treatment and psychological training, comprehensive prevention and control measures to alleviate the symptoms. Personality disorder and personality change should be a clear distinction. Psychological development of personality disorder is not a sound performance from childhood and adolescent personality appeared to show significant pathological adult personality, and continue for life. Personality changes, or precisely secondary personality changes, usually in adulthood, due to severe physical disease, brain organic diseases, mental illness or severe mental stimulation occurred after the personality deviation. Second, the etiology and pathogenesis of psychopathic personality or antisocial personality disorder in the etiology and pathogenesis has not been elucidated. The following information is based on: 1. Genetics. The disease incidence in the relatives was positively correlated with blood ties, that the closer blood relationship, the higher the incidence. Some data indicate that patients with abnormal EEG parents higher; the character of monozygotic twins consistent higher rate of EEG is very similar to crime rates than dizygotic twins. Morbid personality of the foster children compared with normal control group, a higher incidence of pathological personality. 2. Brain dysplasia. EEG examination revealed immature brains of patients with such personality, may have had brain damage. From the analysis of pathological psychology, psychological behavior of patients with childish, very immature features, is the immature personality pathology. 3. Family and social environment. Many surveys show that childhood trauma, family discord, poor family education and poor social environment factors also play an important role on the pathogenesis. The formation of human personality has great plasticity, especially in infants and childhood, this is an accepted fact. Third, the clinical manifestations of antisocial personality disorder (psychopathic personality) characteristics of the clinical symptoms: 1. Early partial personality differences started to emerge, usually presents in adolescence become clear. 2. A serious personality disorder, personality over certain aspects of abnormal development of very prominent and not in line with social norms. 3. Very stubborn personality differences difficult to move side to extend to the entire adulthood to old age may be eased. Measures for drug treatment and education in general have little effect, correction difficult. 4. Social and interpersonal maladjustment, often more serious antisocial behavior and fail to teach repeat offenders, and to end the outcome of dog in the manger. 5. The lack of personality disorder on their own "self-knowledge" (medically known as "no insight"), it is not life experience from the lessons of failure. Although sometimes the problem can be aware of their difficulties caused by the personality, but still can not understand the right to effective corrections. 6. Showed persistent lack of coordination of personality, but did not reach stage of mental or neurological disorders. 7. Intelligence and cognitive ability is better, no psychotic symptoms, mainly in the emotion, will and a serious deviation from the behavior characterized by personality. 8. The pursuit of novelty and mental stimulation, patients with personality disorder is often a driving force, but also anti-social behavior often results in abnormal psychology of their motivation. In summary, the antisocial personality disorder have "seven no" features:   no sense of social responsibility;   no moral values;   no fear;   no guilt;   made no self-control mental ability;   no real or true love;   no repentance of the heart. Fourth, treatment of antisocial personality disorder as the cause of the complexity, the current lack of treatment of this disease is very effective method. Such as sedatives and anti-psychotic medication, only a temporary solution, and the effect was not significant; and psychological treatment for those due to become the central nervous system dysfunction in patients with antisocial personality has no effect. However, in practice found that the environmental impact of the formation, to a lesser extent the patients, the implementation of cognitive insight therapy has a certain effect. Differentiation may help patients to raise awareness and understanding of their behavior on the harm to society, develop a sense of responsibility of patients to enable them to take the family, the social responsibility; improve patient awareness of the moral sense and the law, so that they can understand what to do, what not to do, and strive to enhance the ability to control their own behavior. These measures may well be to reduce anti-social behavior in patients with effective methods. A small number of extremely poor family can still get along with the community of patients living in the dormitories of schools, agencies or to the relatives and friends foster care, in order to reduce the negative impact of family environment, and develop their capacity to live independently. Individual family and social security threat antisocial personality disorder, can be given away juvenile reform school or adult education through labor organizations, to participate in the labor and limit its freedom. On the circumstances are particularly bad, incorrigible patients, such as the above cases, Lee, behavioral therapy can be used in aversion therapy. When patients with antisocial behavior, given the mandatory punishment (such as electric shocks, confinement, etc.), to produce a painful experience after the implementation of several patients from anti-social behavior of a impulse to feel disgusted, uncomfortable body , through such reduce their antisocial behavior. Then according to their actual performance behavior modification, relaxation, and gradually resume their normal family life and social life. Morbid personality, once formed, is not easy correction. Therefore, emphasis must be placed on childhood and adolescent mental health to enhance the importance of education to prevent future abnormal development of personality. Psychotherapy and behavioral therapy are helpful, but difficult to cure. When the patients that endanger public security issues, should be resettled.

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