Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Supportive Techniques

Professional Interventions -3

Supportive Techniques

In supportive counseling the counselor uses those counseling methods which stabilize, nurture, motivate and /or guide the clients, enabling them to handle their problems and relationships more effectively within their residual capacities and the available environmental factors.
o   Helps in avoiding / overcoming self or other damaging behavior.
o   Provides activity orientation and help in getting into the structured daily schedule and maintain satisfactory personal hygiene and appearance.
o   Focuses on here-now-issues
o   Helps in gratifying emotional needs.
o   Helps in developing interpersonal relationships.
o   Facilitates intensive work on personal issues which were not discussed during various group interventions.

Supportive techniques are general measures that comfort and guide the client. They are directed at reducing client distress without addressing the psychological and behavioral causes. 

Some of the supportive techniques are briefly described below:
Ventilation: This is supportive technique wherein the client is encouraged to talk.  By talking the client’s emotional distress decreases, and both she/he and the counselor obtain a clearer picture of the problem/situation.

Emotional Catharsis: The client is allowed to let his negative emotions flow freely; as a result, the negative emotions, to a certain extent, are drained out of the system.

Clarification: The confusing / distressing thoughts in the client’s mind are sorted out so that he has a clear understand about the why and how of his feelings and reactions.

Education: Information is provided to the client on the subject of importance to his emotions and behavior.

Guidance: Practical advice is provided to a client during therapy.

Prestige suggestions: Positive attitudes and behaviors of the client are appreciated with a view to enhancing his self-confidence and self-esteem.

Externalization of interest: Client is encouraged to take up an activity that diverts his attention from the area of distress.

Reassurance: Restore the confidence to the Client. Drive away the uneasiness


The different method of Supportive Techniques includes:
1.      Warm, friendly, strong leadership
2.      Gratification of dependence needs
3.      Support in the ultimate development of legitimate independence
4.      Helps in the development of pleasurable sublimation (for eg: hobbies)
5.      Adequate rest and diversion
6.      The removal of excessive external strain if possible.
7.      Hospitalization when indicated
8.      Medication to alternative symptoms
9.      Guidance and advice in dealing with current issues.

Supportive techniques help the patient feel secure, accepted, protected, encouraged and safe and not anxious. 

The verbalization of unexpressed strong emotion may bring considerable relief. 

The reduction of inner tension and anxiety may result from the expression of emotion and its subsequent discussion may lead to insight into a current problems and objectivity in evaluating it. 

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